AFA - Asian Farmers' Association for Sustainable Rural Development
Since 2002, AFA has organized for its members, 15 regional and 13 national consultations on agricultural trade liberalization, mainstreaming sustainable agriculture, climate change, regional economic integration; 4 training workshops on leadership, organizational management, advocacy: 3 farmers' exchange visits on farmers' organizing, agrarian reform, sustainable agriculture technologies, farmer-led marketing and trading, agricultural processing; 7 issue papers translated in eight Asian national languages; participated in 48 gatherings organized by UN, FAO, IFAD, ASEAN, key CSO coalitions.
AsiaDHRRA - Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia
Both AFA and AsiaDHRRA are part of the Solidarity for Asian Peoples' Advocacy (SAPA) which looks at policy advocacy and engagement of key intergovernmental bodies at regional and global levels, where AsiaDHRRA is a member of the Steering Committee and co-convener of the Rural Development Working Group (RDWG) under SAPA. Both are members of the ASEAN-Working Group which engages ASEAN on its three community pillars towards integration (Political and Security, Economic, and Socio-Cultural).
CNCR - Conseil National de Concertation & de Coopération des Ruraux
CNCR was created in 1993 and contributes to the development of peasant farming in Senegal through the organisation of the various rural actors. It promotes communication and cooperation of its members and of the political dialogue with political decision-makers of the region of West-Africa.
ROPPA - Réseau des organisations paysannes et de producteurs de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
ROPPA, created in 2000, is the network of the national FOs (see Annex 1.c for the list of members) from twelve[1][1] of the fifteen ECOWAS countries and maintains regular coordination with some of the largest national organisations from the other three countries – namely Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leone. It represents about 45 million small producers, cattle farmers and fishermen, to whom the national organisations deliver advice, support and diverse services for the promotion of their activities and profile.
ROPPA's objective is to strengthen the capacities of African FOs to defend the interests of their members and to influence the policies linked to agriculture, rural development and food security. It aims at this through (i) promotion of values of competitive and sustainable agriculture based on family farming and agricultural producers; (ii) support to the formation and structuring of producer organisations in each country; (iii) training and informing the agricultural socio-professional organisations based on the experiences of their members and those of other development actors; (iv) promoting inter-African solidarity and (v) representing the farmers' organisations and agricultural producers in sub-regional, regional and international levels.
ROPPA is actively advocating the interests of small-scale and family farming in the sub-region and in international level, aiming to promote agricultural and commercial policies that would benefit all producers. It has a fundamental role in supporting national organisations' initiatives and in strengthening their capacities. ROPPA has also taken up a coordinating role in various pan-African activities undertaken jointly by the African regional FOs networks.
FETRAF - Federaçao dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura Familiar
FETRAF is a trade union and movement of family farmers. FETRAF-SUL is a regional organization based in the southern Brazilian states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul. FETRAF-SUL has 100,000 members and works with 300,000 union and non-union families.
Through its organizing, FETRAF-SUL has developed networks of economically autonomous farmers (union and non-union) building on-the-farm agro-industries. The farmers add value to their farm products with the agro-industries, taking the transformed products all the way to market. In addition to this, FETRAF has negotiated as a union with the government for credit, housing, and education. (Click here to read an interview with Altemir Antonio Tortelli, general coordinator of FETRAF-SUL).
CONSEA - National Food and Nutritional Safety Council
The CONSEA is an instrument of articulation between government and civil society for the proposal of guidelines for action in food and nutrition safety. Installed in 2003, the Council is consultative and advises the President of the Republic in the formulation of policies and definition of guidelines so the Country secures the human right to food. CONSEA encourages society to take part in the formulation, execution and monitoring of the Food and Nutritional Safety policies and regards the organization of society as an essential condition for social conquests and definitively surmount exclusion.
IATP - The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
IATP works locally and globally at the intersection of policy and practice to ensure fair and sustainable food, farm and trade systems. The Trade and Global Governance program promotes democratic institutions, human rights, a healthy environment, and fairer global rules in food and agriculture. IATP supports the notion of food sufficiency as a means to frame a new model for agriculture that strengthens the Right to Food and promotes concrete policy reforms to support resilient, local food systems and sustainable agriculture.
CSA - Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires
CSA is a Brussels based development NGO specialized in agricultural and food policy issues. The organization works in three main areas: Organizing dialogue between NGOs at local, national, European and international levels; Supporting the organisation of national, regional and international farmers' movements and Advocacy work on agricultural and food policies. The organisation's approach involves simultaneous efforts to: a) Develop consultation with different types of NGOs (development, environment, consumers) and farmers' organisations. B) Create direct links between farming and rural organisations in the South and farmers' organisations in the North (plus South-South and North-North connections).
The Green/EFA group in the European Parliament
For many years The Green/EFA Gropup has been running the Green Food Campaign ("Join the Food Revolution") putting pressure on policy makers and European Institutions to reform the European Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) in order to move away from industrialized and export oriented factory farming and to reconnect farmers with consumers to achieve fair farm gate prices and reasonable consumer prices, to sustain the diversity of European family farming and to promote sustainable food production and consumption systems.